Department Restaurant Pay And Park Gates Library Accomodation Auditorium × Computational and Data Sciences (CDS) Centre for Biosystems Science and Engineering (BSSE) Electronic Systems Engineering (DESE) Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) Computer Science and Automation (CSA) Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) Aerospace Engineering: Airfield Indian Institute of Science Main Building Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems (RBCCPS) Centre for Contemporary Studies (CCS) Centre for Earth Sciences (CEAS) Events Alerts Issues + Sensors News Weather Wed 28.2 / 19.9 °C moderate rain Thu 26.0 / 20.0 °C moderate rain Fri 27.4 / 19.6 °C light rain Sat 27.4 / 20.1 °C light rain Sun 27.1 / 19.5 °C moderate rain